The latest in product presentation.
Modern, essential design with products in the foreground and maximum functional versatility: Venezia LX refrigerated displays combine serve-over and self-service sales to satisfy the needs of today’s most evolved retail stores. Also available with Arneg’s exclusive TCOM technology, these advanced displays keep food tasting delicious for longer than ever.
Combined serve-over and self-service functionality offers maximum choice from one integrated space. The deli module is positioned alongside the self-service section, to which a new refrigerated or hot-case tower can be added. Modularity, flexibility and attention to detail: Arneg delivers unforgettable shopping experiences.
Venezia LX comes in various sizes and in counter and semi-vertical versions. This range of displays can satisfy all food presentation needs thanks to its amazing versatility.

TCOM, the medium wave revolution
The latest result of Arneg research, TCOM is a patented technology that enhances the quality of hot deli foods safely and efficiently. Thanks to a new medium-wave heating system, TCOM maintains a constant and uniform core temperature of 65° without drying food or spoiling its nutritional properties. Operating temperature is reached in only 45 minutes instead of 3 hours, greatly reducing consumption and running costs.
- Top-quality food preservation.
- Operating temperature reachable in 45 minutes.
- Significant reduction in energy costs.
TCOM comes in two versions: with overhead heating and with overhead heating and a heated display shelf. This last configuration totally eliminates pre-heating delays. A special ventilation system cools all glass and metal surfaces, ensuring maximum safety for serving staff and customers. TCOM is a plug&play solution and can be integrated in Industry 4.0 control systems.
LX design: quality takes the stage.
Clean, linear and lightweight forms enhance visibility and focus attention on the freshness of the foods. This new design also ensures a uniform look with other Arneg LX cabinets.

Space in reserve.
Venezia LX is also available with a reserve section that provides instant access to reserve stock. This extra space is integrated inside the display without increasing its footprint, enhancing its functionality and improving its ability to adapt to different store requirements.

Massimo isolamento termico.
La sovrastruttura con vetri a bottone elimina ogni fessurazione tra vetro frontale e mensola, garantendo la massima igiene. Sono disponibili, inoltre, chiusure posteriori scorrevoli che migliorano l’ermeticità del banco, rendendo Venezia LX la vetrina ideale anche per la conservazione della carne.
Alto livello di personalizzazione.
Grazie alla versatilità e alla possibilità di canalizzazione, questa linea di mobili si adatta perfettamente a ogni tipologia di punto vendita. Inoltre, l’ampia scelta di materiali e finiture permette la massima personalizzazione estetica, mentre l’attento studio ergonomico facilità il lavoro dell’operatore e garantisce un accesso semplice ed immediato ai prodotti.