Subsidiaries Intro

Arneg subsidiaries around the world share the Brand Purpose, Vision and Mission of the parent company. They operate in specific markets and, in some cases, produce and distribute products designed exclusively for their own territory.
Although each subsidiary adapts its offering to the local market, Arneg’s values remain the beacon that guides all company activities, following the guidelines set by the parent company. Similarly, the visual identity of each subsidiary must also strictly adhere to the established lines.
The institutional ‘arneg’ logo, without a payoff, represents the primary identity element for all subsidiaries and must serve as the main reference. Only in specific cases, as outlined in the Brand Manual, may it be accompanied by a tagline indicating the country in which the subsidiary operates.
In particular, the tagline is to be used in communication and marketing materials only when the country of reference is not otherwise identifiable through communication elements, such as company information, or when it is not evident from the context of use.
For example, if the company participates in a trade exhibition in a certain country, the reference to the subsidiary is already clear from the context, making it unnecessary to add the tagline to the logo.