
Arneg’s official typefaces, to be used in all communications across all touchpoints, comprise two font families:
- Inter: for social media, brochures, catalogues and offline formats.
- Roboto: for website texts.
These typefaces ensure visual consistency and readability on all platforms.
All official Arneg communication materials, with the exception of the website, use the Inter font family, in different weights, according to the specific function of the text.

Use of typeface


Text may be left aligned.

Text may be right aligned.

The use of text justification without correct hyphenation should be avoided, as it can compromise the visual balance of the text by creating irregular spaces between words.

Do not use packages of text in weights other than those stipulated in the guidelines.
The Roboto font family in its different weights is used for content editing on the Arneg website, according to the specific function of the text.

Title S

Helvetica Neue
The third font used in Arneg’s communications is the Roman variant of Helvetica Neue. This is reserved exclusively for the taglines of subsidiary logos and must not be used in other touchpoints.