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#grazieUNI, the book-tribute with the testimonials of Ente Italiano di Normazione's Members

2021 was an important year for UNI, Ente Italiano di Normazione, which chose to celebrate its first centenary by publishing #grazieUNI, a book that collects the testimonials of Members who have worked hard to establish a voluntary regulatory system that rewards good business practice.

Arneg, a long-standing UNI member, also wanted to make its contribution in the person of Eng.Pierluigi Schiesaro, Director of the Research and Development Department.

"On the occasion of UNI's centenary, I would like to give a testimonial about my experience in regulatory world: in the working group CEN/TC 44/WG1 Commercial and professional refrigerating appliances and systems, performance and energy consumption.

It was the end of the 1980s and I had just started my career as a young thermo-technical engineer at ARNEG, a company based in Padua, which at the time supplied the first refrigerated equipment for food shops. In those years, the first supermarkets were beginning to develop in Italy and Europe. Specific directives on food preservation and temperature control throughout the "cold chain" phase, and the lack of specific standards for assessing the performance of commercial refrigerated counters, increased the need for a European standard. It was in this context that, as an expert in refrigerated display cabinets, I began to work within the regulatory world, participating in the activities of WG1 as a UNI representative initially and, subsequently, as Group Coordinator until 2017.

The purpose of WG1 (of which UNI had and still has the Secretariat) was precisely to develop a European reference standard that would harmonise and unite the various national standards used in some Member States, such as France, England and Germany. The work of WG 1 led to the definition of EN 441, which was published at the end of 1995 with its first 11 parts, which were implemented in Italy as UNI EN 441 in 1996. Today the standard has undergone modifications and revisions, becoming the UNI EN ISO 23953 standard while waiting to be approved also to meet the requirements of the recent Ecodesign (EU) 2019/2024 and Energy Labelling (EU) 2019/2018 Regulations for refrigeration appliances with direct sales function.

Thanks to UNI, in these 30 years I have been able to contribute to the realisation of this "main" standard for the various professional and commercial refrigerated equipment, following its evolution over time as dictated by market changes.

Best wishes UNI!"


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