Arneg supports new refrigeration talents
Arneg has always believed in young people and territory and that is why, with a gesture that can enhance both, has decided to support 16 students of the Bernardi High School of Padua facilitating their entry into the world of work.
How? By financing their training for the acquisition of the First Level F-gas Certifications, valid for ten years and that will guarantee them the qualification to a profession increasingly valued: the refrigeration technician.
Working in the thermo-hydraulic and refrigeration sectors means having a good dose of responsibility and the task of contributing to the well-being of the entire ecosystem: thanks to these licences, new trained operators will be able to protect the environment, with the requirements and skills necessary to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
On June 8th, Arneg's Human Resources Director, Armando De Crescenzo, took part in the licensing ceremony in the presence of the Headmaster Roberto Turetta and the teachers. Congratulating the students, he said motivational words, inviting them to do their best in this new adventure: aim high, to achieve increasingly ambitious goals.
Thanks also to the other companies that participated in the project together with Arneg: Assistenza Tecnica Moro snc, F.lli Beltrame spa, 3MGA Impianti.